Good morning, Marching Band Families,
Thank you to all the parents that attended the parent meeting last evening. Some parents have asked for the links to sign up for the upcoming spots as we get ready for our busiest time of the week!
Chaperone/Equipment Help –
• Equipment Help – needed for both Deer Lakes and Championships; you do not need to be board approved to help push equipment – I will email the time to report to the band truck to assist
• Chaperones – we need spots filled for the 22 (Senior Night) and the 29
• If you could sign up by Thursday morning it would be greatly appreciated as we try to organize
Concession Stand Help –
• We need at least 4 spots filled for the game next Friday; if you have already worked a game, please consider volunteering a few more hours as we wrap up the season
As always, thank you to ALL the families that have volunteered throughout the season, we can not do this without everyone’s help.
Have a great day!