Good evening Band Families, Thank you to all the volunteers who chaperoned and worked the concession stand – we truly…
Parents, As you may know, we are beginning to wrap up band camp and begin our football/competitive season. With that…
Visiting Band Cookies – at each home game our section leaders will visit the visiting band. We are in need…
Please take a moment to review next week’s schedule; between Kennywood and the first game there may be questions. As…
Please take a moment to review the following information: Absences Please see the attached document that is required if a…
Just a reminder that the first of three mandatory parent meetings is scheduled for this evening at 7:30 PM. The…
Thank you to the parents that signed up to pick up pretzels for the students. We had 33 students signed…
Good afternoon Band Families, In May and via summer emails, we have communicated that in order to have a successful…
We are in the process of finalizing the meals for the upcoming season. Please take a moment to review what…
The students will perform at the Butler Band Festival on September 25. Each year the host school offers a presale…