Hello everyone! I hope that you had a great weekend. Please see the weekly information below. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
- Monday-Colorguard Rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS
- Tuesday-Winds and Percussion Rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS
- Wednesday-Full Ensemble Rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS. At the conclusion of this rehearsal, props will need broken down, and the truck will need loaded.
- Friday-Football Game at New Castle. Students should arrive in the auditorium parking lot NO LATER than 4:30pm. We will be departing at 4:45. Students need to arrive in their uniform pants, black marching shoes, black socks and show shirt. Everything else should be brought with them to put on once we arrive. As a reminder to students, if you would like to take your uniform jacket off at the football game, everyone must have their show shirt. At the conclusion of the football game, we will need to unload the truck once we arrive back in Mars so that equipment can be used on Tuesday in concert band.
- Payments-If you still owe any payments, please make those ASAP so that items such as music, drill, etc. can be paid for in the near future.
- Kiski Band Fesitval-Believe it or not, the first Saturday show is already in less than two weeks. More information will be coming out next week but for some early information. We will be rehearsing from 9am-12pm at the MAC on Saturday September 9th. Afterwards, the students will load the truck and have some time to eat and get ready. We will depart to Kiski High School roughly at 3:30pm. Mars performs at 7:10pm. We should arrive back home at roughly 10:00pm. Again, there will be more information regarding that weekend coming next week!
Have a great week!
-Mr. Soose