Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! Congratulations to the students on a great performance this weekend. The staff were very pleased with how they performed on Saturday. As the season winds down, so do the announcements. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great week!
- Tuesday-Rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS
- Family and Friends-Our annual Family and Friends performance will occur on Tuesday April 2nd in the Mars High School main gym. The event will begin at 8:00pm and will feature both the indoor drumline and the winterguard. Please feel free to invite family, friends, and community members to this event to celebrate the hard work of our students.
- Champs Day-Information regarding champs day should be released in the coming 2-3 days. When it does, I will send a follow-up email about it.
- Indoor Banquet-The indoor banquet is scheduled for Tuesday April 16th at 6pm in the Mars Middle School. Price per person is $8. RSVP to attend must be done by April 9th. Please submit payment as a misc. expense through Charms or send a check with your student; the amount paid will indicate the number attending.
- Outstanding Payments-If there are any outstanding booster or WGI fees, please make sure those are turned in ASAP so that we can close out our indoor season financially once the season concludes.