Weekly Update: 11/27-12/2

Good morning everyone! As we begin our first official week of Mars Indoor Percussion, please see the information below. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

  1. Rehearsal-Tuesday/Thursday from 6pm-9pm @MHS
  2. Family ID/Activity Fee-As the first rehearsal is this Tuesday, Family ID and the school district fee need completed. Per the school district, students are not allowed to participate in their activity until both are taken care of. As a reminder, if your child is free/reduced lunch, they do not have to pay the $100 activity fee. However, they still have to fill out their family ID, and inform the district about their free/reduced lunch status.
    1. Family ID Link-https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/mars-area-school-district-activities
  3. Booster Paperwork-Please begin submitting all paperwork that was attached to the handbook. The sooner these forms are turned in, the better. The handbook is also attached to this email.
  4. Booster Payments-Now that the ensemble is set, booster costs will be determined within the next week. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks!
