Chaperone clearances/Sign-ups

Good morning Band Families,

Please take note of the following information:

Upon reviewing the list for approved volunteers, it is a small list. You may want to contact the Administration Office to check the status of your application – the list on the District’s website is not complete. If you have not submitted your clearances and plan to chaperone, there is a board meeting next Tuesday, August 14, to be approved.

Only chaperones and adults working directly with students need to be an “Independent Volunteer”. Concession workers and competition meal help only need to have their license scanned.

Sign Up:
Thank to the parents that already signed up to volunteer for this season – we can’t do this without your help.

To clarify, we are asking that every band family sign up to work one or more of the concession stand sign ups by August 26. If you don’t sign up you will be assigned one of the games to work.  (Sign-up link available in previous emails)

You will receive a detailed email this weekend about next week’s schedule including Kennywood and Picture Day.

Hope your student has enjoyed the first week of camp!
