Chaperones–Volunteer opportunities

Parents are needed to chaperone football games and competitions. To volunteer to be a chaperone you must complete all district requirements, including having your license scanned, volunteer application, and be board approved. You will not be able to chaperone if these are not complete.
Please DO NOT just show up to chaperone an event without being on the sign up. If spots are full you will not be able to chaperone that event.
If you are a chaperone you will be given an assignment upon arrival.

Please understand that we work with other Booster organizations and must follow certain District Policies.  If you do not sign up for a spot and show up to work concessions or chaperone you will not be able to help.  It is not that we are turning away help, but we have a certain number of spots for each event.  I thank you for your understanding and my advice is to sign up ASAP.  This policy will be followed this year.