Weekly Update October 6 – 12

Good evening everyone. Please see the weekly information below. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  1. Tuesday-Full Ensemble rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS. At the conclusion of rehearsal, the truck will need loaded.
  2. Wednesday-Butler Band Festival-Students should arrive in the Mars HS Auditorium parking lot at 4:45 for a 5:00 departure. Students should be in their uniform bottoms with their show shirts prior to arriving for the bus. The event will begin at 7:00pm at Butler HS. Your student should have receive 4 complimentary tickets. If additional tickets are still needed, we have a small amount of extras. They can be purchased for $5/ticket, which benefits the Mars Band program. If purchased at the gate, they will cost more and will benefit the Butler Band program.
  3. Friday-Football Game and Homecoming Parade– On Friday, the marching band will participate in the Mars Homecoming Parade. Students will need to arrive in full uniform to the field behind the old Mars Bank in downtown Mars(now NexTier Bank) at 4:30pm. The field is on Marshall Way right next to Mars Animal Depot. If you search for Mars Animal Depot on Google maps, you should see the empty grass field next to it. At the conclusion of the parade(roughly 5:20). Students should then make their way to the Middle School for football game preparations. If they are driving or are being picked up, they can be picked up right at the drop off location. However, we will have one bus for students to get a ride from the parade to the Middle School for those who do not have a ride. Due to homecoming festivities, the band will not perform at halftime. They will then perform their show at the conclusion of the football game.
  4. **Indoor Percussion/WGI-**For those interested in participating in Mars Indoor Percussion 2025, I wanted to provide another follow up email regarding the season. First, we will be having our parent meeting on Wednesday October 30th at 6pm in the HS LGI. Students are welcome to attend if they would want, but its mostly an informational meeting for parents. There we will be addressing things such as the calendar, and costs. As a staff, we understand that attending World Championships does add cost for students to participate, however, we are continuing to work on ways to help offset those costs as much as possible. Our goal is to provide our students with positive, educational, life-changing experiences, and we believe these events are part of those experiences.

 -Mr. Soose