Weekly Update Aug 25 – 30

Good evening  everyone! Please see this weeks information below. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.

Monday-Colorguard rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS

Tuesday-Winds/Percussion rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS.

Wednesday-Full ensemble from 6pm-9pm @MHS. At the conclusion of this rehearsal, the truck will need loaded.

Friday-Our first football game of the year! Students need to arrive at the middle school at 5:30 pm. They should be in their show shirts, some sort of gym shorts, and long black socks with their marching shoes. Once they arrive, they can store their uniform/equipment in the orchestra room. They will then proceed to unload the truck. Percussion will set up equipment and wind players will build props. Once this is complete, students will head back into the orchestra room to put on their uniform. We will enter the stadium at roughly 6:40pm. At the conclusion of the game, the truck will need loaded/unloaded as we don’t have any event over the holiday weekend.

Chaperones/Volunteers-As we are beginning the start of our season, we will continue to need chaperones/volunteers to help at football games/competitions. We are still looking for chaperones for this Friday night’s game. If you have your clearances and are board approved, please sign up to chaperone. https://signup.com/go/iPsTCQL

**Fundraising-**Just a reminder that today, August 25th, is the last day to place your hoagie orders. 


Triangle Bar and Grill Hoagies $10 each Turkey or Italian. Pick up is on Wednesday Aug 28th 2:45pm-3:15pm or 5:30pm-6pm – Band drop off parking lot of the high school (behind the school).Contact Rachelle Rankin (fundraising@marsband.com) if you have any questions or need to schedule an alternate pickup time.

Cut Time-If you are a student who has not logged into Cut Time(the new program replacing charms), please do so ASAP. If you do not, you will not get important updates each week. 

Arrival Times-Please make sure that your student is arriving on time to rehearsals and performances. Lately, several students have been showing up 5-10 minutes late to rehearsals. As a reminder, students should be arriving no later than 10 minutes before our scheduled rehearsal time.

Have a great week!

-Mr. Soose