Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful break spent with family and friends! However, we are very excited to get back to it. Below is our weekly information. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
- Tuesday/Thursday-Rehearsal at MHS from 6pm-9pm
- Saturday-Rehearsal at MHS from 9am-3pm
- Booster Fees-If you have not already, please make your first $150 booster fee. The second booster fee will be due on Saturday January 14th. Final pricing on that will come out by or before next weeks weekly update, however, it will NOT be as high as the first fee.
- WGI Fee-If you have not already, please make your first $150 WGI. The second WGI payment will be on January 31st. Final pricing will be announced in the coming weeks. Also, if you are planning on chaperoning this event, pricing for chaperones will be determined shortly.
- Jersey-If your student ordered a jersey, the cost of the jersey is $50. Payments for jerseys can be made via check to the boosters or can be made as a miscellaneous payment in Charms.
- Prop Building-If you have any interest in prop building for Mars Indoor Percussion, please reach out!
Have a great week!
-Mr. Soose