Indoor Percussion: 4/6-4/10

Congratulations to the students and staff for qualifying for finals – we are so proud of your accomplishments!

Please take a moment to review the schedule for this week:

• Practice at the HS 6-9 PM
• The truck will need to be loaded at the conclusion of practice

• Middle School Performance – Students not riding the bus in the am, must be at the middle school at 7 AM
• Practice at the HS 6-9 PM

• Practice at the HS 1-8 PM
• Dinner will be provided to the students from the Boosters…if you would like to make a monetary donation it would be appreciated

Family and Friends Viewing
• This will be your last opportunity to cheer on the WGI Finalists! Sign up at
• Senior members receive 4 seats per member; non-seniors, 3 seats each
• Enter through the band room doors and remain in the band room; students will be recording – the show begins at approximately 7:30 PM

To all the students, enjoy this final week of your season!