Indoor Percussion Update: 12/4-12/15

Good morning Drumline Families,

Just a reminder about the upcoming schedule this week; please take note of the schedule change for next week.

Rehearsal 6-9 Tuesday (12/4) and Thursday (12/6) at the HS

Next week’s rehearsal is now Monday (12/10)/Tuesday (12/11) from 6-9 (moved because of Middle School Concert)

Saturday, December 15, from 9-9 at the Centennial School. We will have to load the truck at 8 AM. We will rehearse from 9-6 and then have our History night/Christmas ‘party’.

First WGI payment is due December 18th ($100).

Any and all paperwork/dues that have not been paid need to be paid ASAP.

Have a good day!