Weekly Update: 10/23-10/27 (Championships Week!!!)

Welcome to Championship Week! This will be a very busy and exciting week for the students, staff, and parents. Please take a moment to review the schedule and additional information below:

Tuesday – Practice
Full Ensemble 5:30- 8:30 PM at the HS

Wednesday – Practice
Full Ensemble 5:30-8:30 PM at the MAC
Equipment truck and prop crew – report at 5 PM
At the end of the practice there will be senior speeches, students will be getting out later that evening

Friday – Game Day/Senior Night
Report Time – 5 PM
Senior members and their escorts – report to the chorus room
Students in grades 7-11 will report to the band room
Chaperones/Concession workers: please report to the walkway near the band room to get your lanyard from Lisa Kumpfmiller
The band will perform their entire show after the game

Saturday – Championship Day
Practice 11:30 at the HS
Equipment truck and prop crew – report time at 11 AM
** Parents please stop by the cafeteria when you drop off your student. There will be a poster there to write a message to your student
Competition meal volunteers – report to the cafeteria at 2:15 PM
Chaperones – report time is 4 PM
I will email out the time when Mars will perform at Moon
* Students will unload the equipment and prop truck when we return that evening

Band Banquet
RSVPs are due Wednesday
Seniors – even though the Boosters will pay for your meal, you need to RSVP 🙂

Craft Show
Our largest fall fundraiser will take place on Saturday, November 17 at the HS; we ask that every band family participates in some way. We need volunteers to cook haluski on 11/15, and adults/students to work the event. Instead of making food we ask that you sponsor an item that is needed tor that day. The sign up can be found at: http://signup.com/go/fPeuPYq

Thank you to everyone that was willing to do what was needed to make Friday and Saturday happen. Thank you to the chaperones, competition servers, the early prop movers, etc. A special thank you to Thom Brazel, Jeff Grimm, and Abbey Grimm – for babysitting the props for five hours in the rain and sleet!!

Thank you for all your patience and willingness to help.

Let’s make this a memorable week from the students!

Get some rest today…