Good evening everyone. I hope your weekend went well. I just wanted to say that the staff and I were very proud of the students first PIMBA performance this weekend. We look forward to making a lot of progress in the coming weeks! Please see the below information regarding this week. Have a great week!
- Monday-Colorguard only rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS
- Tuesday-Winds/Percussion rehearsal from 6pm-9pm @MHS
- Wednesday-Full Ensemble from 6pm-9pm @MHS. This rehearsal is tentative due to a curriculum night being held at the high school that evening. An email is out to the district as to whether we can still rehearse. At this time, please plan on still rehearsing this evening. At the end of this rehearsal, the truck will need loaded for Friday night’s football game. If rehearsal is cancelled this evening, the truck will need loaded on Tuesday evening. As soon as I receive information regarding this day, I will send out a follow-up email.
- Friday-Football game away at Aliquippa. Students/chaperones are to arrive no later than 4:45pm in the auditorium parking(the lot where the marching band practices in at the high school). We will be departing for the football game at 5:00pm. Students should arrive in their uniform bottoms, show shirt, black socks, and marching shoes. All other attire should be brought with them to change in to once we arrive.
- Saturday-Full Ensemble rehearsal from 10am-2pm. The truck will need unloaded at 9:30am. As a reminder, Saturday rehearsals are mandatory for all students.
- Attendance/Timeliness-This is just a friendly reminder that students are expected to be on time for all events, which include rehearsals and performances. Students should be arriving no later than 15 minutes prior to rehearsal beginning. It is extremely unfair to other students that arrive on time every day. Also, please make sure that students who are missing rehearsals are missing them for only the reasons listed as excused absences in the handbook. Students who miss rehearsals for reasons to be considered unexcused can be withheld from future performances.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Have a great week!
-Mr. Soose