Additional Weekly Updates–8/29

Good evening, Band Parents,

First, let me begin by saying what a wonderful evening at the MAC last night. It was special to see all the Friday Night Students together. I apologize that some things were not fully communicated to me about selling of food – I want to personally thank so many of you that stepped in to assist. The most important outcome was the community coming together for all four groups.

This Friday will be our first home game of the season. Please take a moment to read the information if you are a volunteer for that night.

Pretzel Delivery – please take the pretzels to the main concession stand

Chaperones – report time 5:30. When you arrive, please see me for your assignment for the evening

Concession Workers – report time 5:45. Please see me for your pass to enter the MAC. Concession workers do not pay. Once you enter report to the main concession stand for your assignment for the evening.

Thank you to the many parents that have already volunteered to help this season. To have a successful year we need help. We currently have games that no workers are scheduled to work…

Each band family needs to sign up for at least one shift by September 15.

Concession Workers

Report to the parking lot at the Middle School on the Three Degree Roadside of the building. You will receive a pass to enter the stadium; you will not pay to attend.

** No clearances are required to work concessions**


  • Please use the above link to volunteer
  • You MUST be a board approved independent volunteer
  • Tasks may include any of the following: taking attendance, supervise students on the bus/stands, taking students to restroom, passing out snacks, assisting with uniforms, pushing equipment, etc.
  • Parents will not pay an entrance fee to games/competitions
  • There is also a spot for equipment help only – this task does not require volunteers to be independent volunteers

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the MAC on Friday night!