Craft Show–help needed!

Hello Band Parents,

The Craft Show is one of the largest fall fundraisers of the year and we need help to make it successful. There are currently 24 spots available to donations and 11 spots that need to be filled for adult volunteers.

Unlike past craft shows, we are not asking parents to make food (except haluski), but to donate money and work the event. We have decided that with the success of the fall concession that we will not be doing a spaghetti dinner this winter; while making that decision, we were counting on all families to participate in the craft show as outlined in the packet you received in the fall.

I am asking that we fill the spots as soon as possible to help us with the necessary planning. If they are not, we will need to make changes to what we are selling, which will impact the profits that we are anticipating.

Many of you may not be aware that the Middle School will not be used next Saturday. Due to this we will have an additional 100 vendors and we will be the only indoor food concessions.

I have faith that these spots will be filled!

Visit to sign up.

Much thanks…